I can set up a macro for a letterhead e.g.. Name on first line, address on
2nd line and city, state, & Zip on the last and activate it using F12 key.
Works fine but I have a question about fonts and font sizes. I tried
changing the macro using format, font, then size for the Name but it changes
the entire macro to that font and size.
I want to have the name print out in font Courier and size 24, then have
the next 2 lines consisting of address, city and state print out in Courier
Is it possible to do make a macro with different font sizes within the
macro? If so, please advise how to do so. I will gladly attach the macro
code if needed. I was wondering if it was possible and if I can place use
Selection.Font.Name = "Courier"
Selection.Font.Size = 24
after the Selection.TypeText Text: = "Name" and do a similar entry after
the address code line and the city, state ZIP code lines but change font
size to 14???
Maybe I cannot do what I am trying to do but I do need you gurus to tell
me whether I can or cannot and then how if I can...Hope that made sense.
I can set up a macro for a letterhead e.g.. Name on first line, address on
2nd line and city, state, & Zip on the last and activate it using F12 key.
Works fine but I have a question about fonts and font sizes. I tried
changing the macro using format, font, then size for the Name but it changes
the entire macro to that font and size.
I want to have the name print out in font Courier and size 24, then have
the next 2 lines consisting of address, city and state print out in Courier
Is it possible to do make a macro with different font sizes within the
macro? If so, please advise how to do so. I will gladly attach the macro
code if needed. I was wondering if it was possible and if I can place use
Selection.Font.Name = "Courier"
Selection.Font.Size = 24
after the Selection.TypeText Text: = "Name" and do a similar entry after
the address code line and the city, state ZIP code lines but change font
size to 14???
Maybe I cannot do what I am trying to do but I do need you gurus to tell
me whether I can or cannot and then how if I can...Hope that made sense.