Macro keeps locking up Excel 97

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jim
  • Start date Start date


I wrote this macro to add a new page of data as necessary and then it hides
the original. Initially I needed 50 pages, so I quick wrote a macro to run
the following macro 50x.

Sub MakeSheet()

X = Worksheets.Count
Y = X - 3
Sheets("Blank").Visible = True
Sheets("Blank").Copy After:=Sheets(X)
Sheets("Blank (2)").Select
Sheets("Blank (2)").Name = Y
Sheets("Blank").Visible = False
Worksheets(X + 1).Activate
Range("A1") = Y

End Sub

It locks up excel after 20 or so times. So I manually ran the macro by
clicking a button each time. Again after 20 or 30 times Excel locks up. Does
anyone know why?

Thanks, Jim
go into the VBE and look in the project explore. Do you have code names


the maximum length is 31 or 32 I believe. This is a bug in Excel 97 when
you copy sheets.

Change the code name of the sheet you are copying to something like "A"
Do you mean change the sheet name? It is named Blank now. Or are you talking
about the code name in the project explore. It says Sheet2111(Blank) +
others like Sheet211110(10).
How do I do that? Thanks for your help!!
codename Sheet211110
tab name 10

go into the vbe and click on

hit F4 to see the properties window.

Change the (name) property, the first property.

However, this would only be necessary if you are getting codenames that are
approach >30 characters. The one you show shouldn't be a problem, so
perhaps it is a different problem.