Macro - insert row



I have a spreadsheet that includes a column of names
(Column K). I wish to enter in a blank row everytime that
the name in column k changes.

I have set up a macro as follows: -

Sub Macro3()
Selection. EntireRow.insert
End sub

What I want to so is somehow run this macro everytime the
name in column K is not the same as the cell above, ie if
k5 does not = k4.

Is there a control button process that I can use so that
when I click the button the macro will run through column
K and insert a row everytime the name changes.

I also thought maybe I can paste a formula in another
column along the lines of: -

=if(k5=k4,"x",!run macro3!)

its what goes in place of !run macro3! that baffles me.

Can anyone suggest a solution. The manual way of insert
the row will mean many hours work.


George Watson

steve smallman


Sub Macro3()
do until activecell.value=""
If activecell.value=activecell.offset(1,0).value then
Selection. EntireRow.insert
end if
End sub

untested - so you may need to step through the macro to
see if/where it goes wrong.


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