OK, here's a macro for you. You will need to have both presentations
(source and destination) open to male this work.
Post back with complications.
=====Begin Macro Code=======
Option Explicit
Sub MoveNotes()
' Copyright Bill Dilworth 2004
' All rights reserved
Dim X As Integer
Dim Dummy As String
Dim StrNum As String
Dim ToNum As Integer
Dim FromNum As Integer
Dummy = MsgBox("This will take all" & _
"the notes from one present" & _
"ation and " & vbCr & "comp" & _
"letely overw" & _
"rite the notes in the dest" & _
"ination presentation." & vbCr & _
"Please exit now if you do " & _
"not want to do this." & vbCr & _
vbCr & " Exit this routine?", _
vbExclamation + vbYesNo + _
vbDefaultButton1, "Confirmation")
If Dummy <> vbNo Then Exit Sub
Dummy = ""
For X = 1 To Presentations.Count
Dummy = Dummy & vbCr & _
Str(X) & " - " & _
Next X
StrNum = InputBox("Enter the n" & _
"umber of the presentation" & _
" with the source notes to" & _
"be copied? " & vbCr & Dummy, _
"Notes Source", "1")
If IsNumeric(StrNum) Then
FromNum = Val(StrNum)
MsgBox "Bad Number"
Exit Sub
End If
StrNum = InputBox("Now input the" & _
"number of the presentation" & _
"to send the notes to:" & vbCr & _
vbCr & Dummy, "Notes Destin" & _
"ation", "2")
If IsNumeric(StrNum) Then
ToNum = Val(StrNum)
MsgBox "Bad Number"
Exit Sub
End If
If X - 1 < FromNum Or X - 1 < ToNum Then
MsgBox "Bad presentation number entered."
Exit Sub
End If
If FromNum = ToNum Then
MsgBox "Source and destinati" & _
"on files can not be the same file."
Exit Sub
End If
If Presentations(FromNum).Slides. _
Count <> Presentations(ToNum). _
Slides.Count Then
Dummy = MsgBox("Source and des" & _
"tination presentations contai" & _
"n different number of slides." & _
vbCr & "Excess notes from sour" & _
"ce will be discarded. Counti" & _
"ne?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, _
"Possile Data Loss")
If Dummy = vbNo Then Exit Sub
End If
For X = 1 To Presentations(FromNum). _
Presentations(ToNum).Slides(X). _
NotesPage.Shapes(2). _
TextFrame.TextRange.Text = _
Presentations(FromNum). _
Slides(X).NotesPage. _
Shapes(2).TextFrame. _
Next X
MsgBox "Completed. Please check yo" & _
"ur presentation prior to saving."
End Sub
======End Code=============
Bill Dilworth, Microsoft PPT MVP
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