I have looked at the database you sent. The probelm is with a
spelling/?translation error. The Where condition of the OpenForm
action in your Spell1 macro, to open form Spell, is...
[Name]=[Forms]![Spell Sheet]![Spell Lists]![Lvl 1]
However, form Spell does not contain a control called Name. The macro
argument should read...
[Nom]=[Forms]![Spell Sheet]![Spell Lists]![Lvl 1]
In any case, please note that it is not a good idea to use the word
Name as the name of a field or control or database object, as this
word has a special meaning to Access, and can lead to problems under
some circumstances.
Another lesson here is to use the actual names of database elements
when asking for help. In your earlier communications you used FormB,
ItemX etc, but these are not the names of items in your database.
- Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP
I am sorry, Eric, I can't think what the problem could be. As far as
I can see from what you have told us, it should work. If you like, I
would be willing to take a look at the database and see if I can
figure it out. If so, email it to me... just remove the .ns at the
end of my return email address.
- Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP
The wording of the prompt is simply the Key of the Form it is supposed to
open. FormC has KeyA and in the where section of the macro I wrote [KeyA] =
[Forms]![FormA]![FormB]![ItemX]. The prompt only showed a text box titled
KeyA but works when I type ItemX manualy in it.
The form name is FormC, I set the read only flag and it should show a form.
There is nothing in the filter. The mode is standard.
Previously, it was [KeyA] = [Forms]![FormB]![ItemX] but worked only when
opening FormB, it showed the prompt when opening FormA but still worked if I
typed ItemX manualy.
I tried [KeyA] = [Forms]![FormsA]![FormsB].[Forms]![ItemX] but the prompt
was shown as well.
Anything else that you need?
Thanks for your help