Macro for proper case



I am just learning the wonders of macros but wouldn't have a clue how to
write the code! If possible can somebody please write me a code to change
text from uppercase to proper case. I would really appreciate it. Thanks

Bob Phillips

Range("A1").Value = UCase(Range("A1").Value)


myVar = UCase(Range("A1").Value)



Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)


This is relatively straightforward as there is a worksheet function available
=PROPER(text) so coding this in VBA just needs a slight modification:-

newText = Application.WorksheetFunction.Proper(ActiveCell.Text)
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) = newtext


Thank you all for your replies. Unfortunatley I am still having problems. I
pasted the codes (seperately) into the 'create macro' section, selected the
whole of my spreadsheet (as it is a mail merge doc all in uppercase) and
tried to run it but nothing happened. I am doing something really wrong?
Sorry but i really know nothing about macros. Please help! Thanks

David McRitchie

Hi Tania,
The code that BigWheel provided for a macro would convert only one cell,
which is more suitable for a Change Event macro and in any case is incomplete
as you need a SUB and End Sub statements which would be recognized by
someone more familiar with macros.. .
Suggest you look at my

Even if you attempt to fix upon entry (Change event) you would still
need to change your existing entries. I normally would not bother
with the change event as I would normally change existing entries and
not input them incorrectly later.

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