Macro for IE 6

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i always do a same set of Repetative tasks on the website..
I would like to records my tasks and just apply them every time..Can any
body please let me know if any free ware Macro Recorder is available which i
can plug wiht IE 6 and use it..

thanks for the response..i went to the website and downloaded the
autohotkey and unzipped it...
then i ran the autohotkey.ini file..
i could not locate the Record option anywhere..
Can you please guid me..

Launch "Start\Programs\AutoHotkey\AutoScriptWriter (recorder)" and click on
"ARecord". Make all your tasks and click on Stop when all are done. Click on
"Save" to create a .ahk file and use "Convert .ahk to .exe" to create an .exe
file if necessary.


i just created the script by recording and then converted it to exe...
i needed your help in two things

a. I want to change some values for each run. How can i do it?
b. how can i disable my mouse and keyboard till the script completes.i
double click on the script to start it....because once i start the script my
slight delay in leaving the mouse untouched does not start the script at all
If you want to interact with the user you must modify script manually. Use
the help of AutoHotKey to find the commands which you need.

a. Either you create several different scripts for each task, or you use
MsgBox/InputBox commands to interact with the user. For example :

InputBox, PwdVar, Enter your password, (your input will be hidden), hide
InputBox, NameVar, Your Name, What's your name ?, , 500, 400
if ErrorLevel <> 0
MsgBox, Cancel was pressed.
MsgBox, Hello "%NameVar%", your password is "%PwdVar%"

b. Edit your script and insert a "Sleep, 2000" (without quotation marks) on
the first line. This command ask to the program to wait 2 seconds before
