A Andy Pope May 30, 2008 #2 Hi, Macro recorder is good for things like this, assuming not xl2007. You can only link to 1 cell. If you have multiple cells you will need to concatenate them in a single cell and link to that. ' linked to A1 ActiveChart.ChartTitle.Text ="=Sheet1!R1C1" Cheers Andy
Hi, Macro recorder is good for things like this, assuming not xl2007. You can only link to 1 cell. If you have multiple cells you will need to concatenate them in a single cell and link to that. ' linked to A1 ActiveChart.ChartTitle.Text ="=Sheet1!R1C1" Cheers Andy
J Jon Peltier May 30, 2008 #3 Do you need a macro, or are you unfamiliar with the manual way? Select the axis title, chart title, data label, or shape, type = in the formula bar, then click on the cell. - Jon
Do you need a macro, or are you unfamiliar with the manual way? Select the axis title, chart title, data label, or shape, type = in the formula bar, then click on the cell. - Jon