When i downloaded the detailed suppliers invoices from my accounting
software, the layout is:
Supplier name in column B (only shown once on top of all the invoices
Invoice detail in column C, D, E & F (details shown immediately after the
supplier name in Column B)
The list is for all suppliers.
Is there any macro can be used to copy the supplier name and paste down
wards so that i can use sumif function to get detailed aging report based on
the invoice date in column C.
The macro should be able to recognised different suppliers name i.e. row 23
is Supplier A name and its related details run from row 24 to row 56 and
supplier B name at row 57 and details run from row 58 to row 80.
This macro should be able to copy supplier A from row 23 in column A and
paste from row 24 to 56 in column A. Then copy supplier B name in row 57 in
column A, paste from row 58 to row 80.
Hopefully this is not too confusing!
software, the layout is:
Supplier name in column B (only shown once on top of all the invoices
Invoice detail in column C, D, E & F (details shown immediately after the
supplier name in Column B)
The list is for all suppliers.
Is there any macro can be used to copy the supplier name and paste down
wards so that i can use sumif function to get detailed aging report based on
the invoice date in column C.
The macro should be able to recognised different suppliers name i.e. row 23
is Supplier A name and its related details run from row 24 to row 56 and
supplier B name at row 57 and details run from row 58 to row 80.
This macro should be able to copy supplier A from row 23 in column A and
paste from row 24 to 56 in column A. Then copy supplier B name in row 57 in
column A, paste from row 58 to row 80.
Hopefully this is not too confusing!