Macro compatibility in xls2003


Peter Andersen

I'm having trouble exporting data from a source program (SAP) to excel. It
worked fine with the '97 version, but since we upgraded to '03, nothing
I'm not too experienced with scripts, but I'm told that the macro in the SAP
program just might not work properly with xls2003.
I can, however, export the data to word2003 and then to excel, but it's a
frustrating process.
Does anyone have experience with macros incompatability in excel 2003 /
suggestions that may narrow down this issue?


Peter Andersen
(e-mail address removed)

Ken Wright

The Excel Program versions have different file paths so if they have been
hard coded into the SAP export routine then maybe it's just not finding
excel, but to be honest I'd find that hard to believe of something like SAP.
File formats in excel are all the same as they were in 97 so should be no
issue there. Have you called the SAP folks, or tried their website for any
compatibility issues?

Peter Andersen

It may be a feature added by our 'sub-provider', as it is a customised
version of SAP we (amongst many others) are using. Perhaps I will need to
ask them, but I just thought I'd like to explore the issue a little first.
Maybe there was a 'simple' solution that I just hadden't thought of.


Peter Andersen
(e-mail address removed)

Ken Wright

It may be a feature added by our 'sub-provider', as it is a customised
version of SAP we (amongst many others) are using.

Hmmmm - Now I'm leaning more to where I started from. That having been
said, the sub provider should be your first port of call because they will
likely have come across this already.

Peter Andersen

I'll do that, although xls03 doesn't seem to be that widespread in the
danish public administration just yet.
Thank you for your time.

Peter Andersen
(e-mail address removed)

Nick Hodge


Your last point has made me think... Danish public administration.... this
could be a locale issue. Versions of Excel before XP 2002 were awful at
handling anything other than US locale.

You could find that as excel 2003 is much better when it comes to locale,
that any code written to fix Excel's inadequacies in earlier versions is now
clashing with Excel's corrected set-up.

You may be able to fake this by setting control panel to US and see if that
works...even if it doesn't I would suspect any locale code in the macros.

Nick Hodge
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Southampton, England
(e-mail address removed)

Ken Wright

And to be honest it wouldn't matter if it were widespread or not, because it
would only take one - they'd be straight onto the supplier - Of course, it
could be that you are 'the one' :)

Peter Andersen

That really does sound very plausible. I'll give it a try when I get back to
work in the morning. Thanks.

Peter Andersen
(e-mail address removed)

Peter Andersen

I think Nick may be on to something, but we recently were shifted to a
citrix solution, so I'm somewhat used to irrgularities. When something
doesn't work, the citrix often end up taking the blame, although I never
suspectec that was the case here.

Peter Andersen
(e-mail address removed)

Ken Wright

Do let us know please, it all helps for someone else that may search the
groups for this issue.

Peter Andersen

Well, they solved my problem, but I didn't learn much.

In the SAP table I should select "show print" before exporting the data,
which made it work.
They suggested, that it 'might' be a security matter in the excel macro
settings. However, setting it to 'low' made no difference..

FYI: the functionality that failed (and still fails), tries to open the
worksheet 'inside' the SAP program, like it would in a web-browser. The
solution I was offered opens the worksheet in excel as if I had opened a
file from the desktop. (Though the 'save as' button said 'save copy as', and
the SAP automatic closes the worksheet when you proceed in the SAP.

But it worked.

Peter Andersen
(e-mail address removed)

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