Macro Compatibility between 03 and 07

  • Thread starter Thread starter jop
  • Start date Start date


I have created files in excel 2003 with VBA and Macro's
When user with excel 07 run those macro's the macro is renamed, it get's a
filename and path to the local drive ofm the user.
So the next user can't excute that macro anu longer.
I saw this also happening with add-inn like khalix for excel.

Does anyone know how to prevent this from happening in an other way than to
just forcing everyone to keep files in the same 03 format?

Thanks, Jop
I've not seen this problem. How are you calling the macros and what are the
names of the modules and procedures. You may need to post some code.
thanks for looking at this.

The Macro is called by a click on a button

It is a very simple recorded Macro:

Sub ExportNewOppsSum()
' ExportNewOppsSum Macro
' Macro recorded 4/6/2007 by jochemp
Sheets("Opps Summary").Visible = True
Sheets("Opps Summary").Select
Sheets("Opps Summary").Copy Before:=Sheets(10)
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Sheets("Opps Summary").Select
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Visible = False
Sheets("Opps Summary (2)").Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Sheets("Opps Summary (2)").Move

End Sub

When the Macro has run the name changes to:

And some other macro's that did not run are also renamed and get the Book1! reference too.

Something similar happens when using Khalix for Excel in 07 and 03.
Here is an example from Khalix (an add-inn for excel)

This is how the formula was as I wrote it in 2003
=IF($B103="New Site",0,KFCELL(+$A115,+C$6,+$B103,+$F$1,+$D$1,+$F$2,+$D$2))

This is what it turned in to:
=IF($B103="New Site",0,'C:\Program Files\Khalix\KLXPROD\software\khalix.xla'!KFCELL(+$A115,+C$6,+$B103,+$F$1,+$D$1,+$F$2,+$D$2))

hope this sheds some lite

tx, Jop

Barb Reinhardt wrote:

I have not seen this problem.

I have not seen this problem. How are you calling the macros and what are the
names of the modules and procedures. You may need to post some code.

Barb Reinhardt


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