MS Techie
I am talking about .Net Framework 2.0 and .Net Framework 1.1
When accessing SQL Database through ADO.Net C#, in the connection string
when we specify Windows Integrated Authentication. i.e. "INTEGRATED SECURITY
= SSPI" , what exactly happens... Does the .Net Framework , access SQL
Database through a <machineName>\ASPNET account... This is in the scenario
when the Database is residing on the same server as the host . I know that
ASPNET user is a local system account.
Now in the Scenario where in the Database is placed on a different Server, I
think it uses NT Authority\System account to access the SQL Database from a
different Server..
Is my understanding totally wrong in both the scenarios.. Can I get a good
link which exactly describes what exactly happens inside...
When accessing SQL Database through ADO.Net C#, in the connection string
when we specify Windows Integrated Authentication. i.e. "INTEGRATED SECURITY
= SSPI" , what exactly happens... Does the .Net Framework , access SQL
Database through a <machineName>\ASPNET account... This is in the scenario
when the Database is residing on the same server as the host . I know that
ASPNET user is a local system account.
Now in the Scenario where in the Database is placed on a different Server, I
think it uses NT Authority\System account to access the SQL Database from a
different Server..
Is my understanding totally wrong in both the scenarios.. Can I get a good
link which exactly describes what exactly happens inside...