I've got a machine that won't show when you list the domain. Everyother
machine on the network shows up, but this one. If I enter the \\machine_name
it will popin the list for that once. But it's going if I look again. I've
looked in DNS and it seems to be correctly list. I've looked in WINS and it
is correct there as well. It is a static IP address on a Windows 2000
Server. DNS & WINS are running on a different server. Any ideas?
machine on the network shows up, but this one. If I enter the \\machine_name
it will popin the list for that once. But it's going if I look again. I've
looked in DNS and it seems to be correctly list. I've looked in WINS and it
is correct there as well. It is a static IP address on a Windows 2000
Server. DNS & WINS are running on a different server. Any ideas?