Yesterday morning there was a blackout while I was using the
computer. The UPS kept the machine going while I saved the file I was
working on, then shut the machine down normally, no problem. I turned
off the UPS and unplugged everything from the wall. The power was on
by then, but around here outages tend to come in a series, so I left
things as is, then went to work.
When I came back, the computer was completely dead, in which state it
remains. About all I can add to that is if I connect the power cord
to the wall outlet and keep my ear close, I can hear a brief
crackling, so I guess it's drawing something.
Two questions:
(1) Why did this happen? At no time was the computer, or anything
connected to it, unprotected. (Except for the printer, which is
plugged directly into the wall outlet and connected by usb, and it was
unplugged when I left.)
(2) Any ideas about what to do next? Try replacing the motherboard,
or what? How do I track down the problem when the machine isn't
giving me any clues?
Here are the components, in case it makes a difference:
ECS 865PE-A motherboard
Powerware 5115 UPS
Pentium 4 3.06 Ghz
4 gig DDR 400 Crucial ram
PC Power and Cooling Turbo-cool 510 ATX power supply
Matrox Parhelia video card
Adaptec SCSI card 29320LP
Seagate Cheetah 36.7GB SCSI drive ST336753LW
2 Seagate Cheetah 18.4GB SCSI drives ST318453LW
Asus DRW-0402P DVD-R / RW Drive
Generic diskette drive
1 Viewsonic 19" VX900 LCD display
2 Viewsonic 19" VP930B LCD displays
Western Digital WD2000JBRT drive
Big case with lotsa fans
computer. The UPS kept the machine going while I saved the file I was
working on, then shut the machine down normally, no problem. I turned
off the UPS and unplugged everything from the wall. The power was on
by then, but around here outages tend to come in a series, so I left
things as is, then went to work.
When I came back, the computer was completely dead, in which state it
remains. About all I can add to that is if I connect the power cord
to the wall outlet and keep my ear close, I can hear a brief
crackling, so I guess it's drawing something.
Two questions:
(1) Why did this happen? At no time was the computer, or anything
connected to it, unprotected. (Except for the printer, which is
plugged directly into the wall outlet and connected by usb, and it was
unplugged when I left.)
(2) Any ideas about what to do next? Try replacing the motherboard,
or what? How do I track down the problem when the machine isn't
giving me any clues?
Here are the components, in case it makes a difference:
ECS 865PE-A motherboard
Powerware 5115 UPS
Pentium 4 3.06 Ghz
4 gig DDR 400 Crucial ram
PC Power and Cooling Turbo-cool 510 ATX power supply
Matrox Parhelia video card
Adaptec SCSI card 29320LP
Seagate Cheetah 36.7GB SCSI drive ST336753LW
2 Seagate Cheetah 18.4GB SCSI drives ST318453LW
Asus DRW-0402P DVD-R / RW Drive
Generic diskette drive
1 Viewsonic 19" VX900 LCD display
2 Viewsonic 19" VP930B LCD displays
Western Digital WD2000JBRT drive
Big case with lotsa fans