Here you will find a program that permits to compute CMYK to RGB and viceversa
You should be aware that there is no one to one mapping between RGB
and CMYK, and that RGB can represent colours not available in CMYK and
vice-versa. To give an example of the former, 10% grey in CMYK can be
represented by equal proportions of C, M and Y and a proportion of K
(black). There are literally hundreds of possibilities - and automatic
conversions don't always choose the "obvious" one of 10%K, 0% CMY!
If you are aiming for a CMYK device, it is better to work in CMYK
values all the way through the process.
Finally, CMYK has a well defined set of colour values for each ink -
defined by industry practise, if by nothing else. However, RGB is far
less well defined, varying with phosphors and LED emitters. So, RGB is
a far less constant thing than CMYK, which is itself less well defined
than more rigorous standards used in high precision colour systems..
Paul Cooper