BTW Nate look over IE4--Jobs lifted that entirely from MSFT for Mac. But
they both stole handily from Xerox Park.
"My book partner Robert Scoble has a great post about a chance encounter
with Steve Jobs in a San Francisco sushi restaurant. Jobs was
characteristically ungracious, and took the opportunity for the 30-second
encounter to take a shot at Microsoft, for allegedly steal Apple's stuff,
which of course was originally stolen from Xerox Park."
Aug 20, 2005
Close Encounters with Steve Jobs
"My book partner Robert Scoble has a great post about a chance encounter
with Steve Jobs in a San Francisco sushi restaurant. Jobs was
characteristically ungracious, and took the opportunity for the 30-second
encounter to take a shot at Microsoft, for allegedly steal Apple's stuff,
which of course was originally stolen from Xerox Park.
I had a similar encounter with a younger but equally ungracious Jobs in
1980, after he was keynote speaker for event sponsored by the long defunct
The Executive magazine. It was the first time I heard the "computers will
change the way we work, play and communicate speech," which was prophetic
and inspirational to me. Afterwards, I waited outside for him in a cold
December rain and when he left the building, I rushed up to him and told him
that his talk had inspired me, that I had gone through a period where I had
lost direction in life and that he had given it back to me. I wanted to
join Apple and sprreead the word of the promise of his computers to
He stared at me for a second then asked me what I did for a living. I
stammered that I loved to write, and right now I was working for a PR agency
until I could find something meaningful. "My PR flack is Regis McKenna he
snapped more than a little impatiently. Go work for him."
In fact, that's exactly what I did. But I never really worked much on the
Apple Account. As it turned out, that was a good thing. And I learned
something about Jobs that seems to be true all these many years later. He's
much more appealing when he's standing in front of 500 people than he is
close up."
Paula [Airhead Par Excellence] Zahn:
"Mr. Mcgovern--Doesn't Mr. Rumsfield deserve credit for letting you speak?
How long have you had this Vendetta?"