I have tried installing MAC file services both on a
windows 2000 and 2003 servers. I am getting the same
error, it reads:
The file server for Macintosh service was unable to
contact a domain controller to otiain domain information.
Event ID 10021.
This event ID can not be found in Technotes or the MS
knowledge base.
could be a problem with the domain controller? I do have
MAC server services installed on the domain controller
THanks very much
windows 2000 and 2003 servers. I am getting the same
error, it reads:
The file server for Macintosh service was unable to
contact a domain controller to otiain domain information.
Event ID 10021.
This event ID can not be found in Technotes or the MS
knowledge base.
could be a problem with the domain controller? I do have
MAC server services installed on the domain controller
THanks very much