MAC Address

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dennis
  • Start date Start date



I wonder is there a way for me to capture or view the MAC
address (regardless of OS) without
invoking the ipconfig /all command.

I would like to capture the various machines MAC address
for reporting.

Planning to scan thru the organization machines
especially to retrieve MAC address. Thus wont want to use
manual method to retrieve data.

Would appreciate someone that can render the great help.

Happy New Year to all viewers !
Dennis said:
I wonder is there a way for me to capture or view the MAC
address (regardless of OS) without
invoking the ipconfig /all command.

I would like to capture the various machines MAC address
for reporting.

Planning to scan thru the organization machines
especially to retrieve MAC address. Thus wont want to use
manual method to retrieve data.

Would appreciate someone that can render the great help.

This depends how OS-independent you need to be. With pure Windows you
should be able to script this, but the network layer solution is to use
ARP -- for each subnet, do a ping sweep to get every other host on the
subnet in your ARP cache and then view it.
Dennis said:

I wonder is there a way for me to capture or view the MAC
address (regardless of OS) without
invoking the ipconfig /all command.

I would like to capture the various machines MAC address
for reporting.

Planning to scan thru the organization machines
especially to retrieve MAC address. Thus wont want to use
manual method to retrieve data.
try "nbtstat -a <machinename>" or "nbtstat -A <IP-Address>"

happy 2004

Dennis said:
I wonder is there a way for me to capture or view the MAC
address (regardless of OS) without
invoking the ipconfig /all command.

I would like to capture the various machines MAC address
for reporting.

I don't know if you're just after a list of MACs, MACs against IP or
MACs against hostname, but here's a few things to consider in addition
to whats already been suggested:-

* GetMac from the Reskit
* See Function Library/Network Functions/GetMAC.html
for an NT4/2000/XP/2003 scripting solution
* Dump the ARP cache from your managed switches/firewall
* Export the leased addresses from your DHCP server

The first two suggestions could be invoked via your logon script.

I wonder is there a way for me to capture or view the MAC
address (regardless of OS) without
invoking the ipconfig /all command.

I would like to capture the various machines MAC address
for reporting.

Planning to scan thru the organization machines
especially to retrieve MAC address. Thus wont want to use
manual method to retrieve data.

Would appreciate someone that can render the great help.

Happy New Year to all viewers !

@echo off
set netdm=netdom query /domain:%userdnsdomain% dc
for /f "Skip=1 Tokens=*" %%C in ('%netdm%') Do set cmp=%%C&call :getit
set netdm=netdom query /domain:%userdnsdomain% server
for /f "Skip=1 Tokens=*" %%C in ('%netdm%') Do set cmp=%%C&call :getit
set netdm=netdom query /domain:%userdnsdomain% workstation
for /f "Skip=1 Tokens=*" %%C in ('%netdm%') Do set cmp=%%C&call :getit
goto :EOF
if "%cmp%" EQU "The command completed successfully." goto :EOF
set mac=** NOT FOUND **** NOT FOUND **
for /f "Tokens=*" %%M in ('nbtstat -a %cmp% ^|findstr /L /C:MAC') do set mac=%%M
set mac=%mac:~14%
@echo %cmp% %mac%

Jerold Schulman
Windows: General MVP
JSI, Inc.

I wonder is there a way for me to capture or view the MAC
address (regardless of OS) without
invoking the ipconfig /all command.

I would like to capture the various machines MAC address
for reporting.

Planning to scan thru the organization machines
especially to retrieve MAC address. Thus wont want to use
manual method to retrieve data.

If you want you want to do is query this information from domains or
even workgroups, then this should work for you.

Clay Calvert
(e-mail address removed)
Replace "W" with "L"
In said:

I wonder is there a way for me to capture or view the MAC
[ ]

I knew you'd get numerous responses in this Group. Hope one (or more)
of them were helpful.