I've just spent several hours, on and off, trying to get an old PC Chips
motherboard to recognise a Socket A XP2600 (Barton) cpu, ....at least I'm
sure it is a PC Chips - it has Eagletech A30LR on the motherboard booklet, a
little white sticker on the motherboard saying v3.1 (not 3.1b), and after
lots of hunting around the web I'm convinced that it was also sold as an ECS
K7S5A and as PC Chips M830LR, and several other makes I noticed along the
way. I've reflashed it several times with hopeful *.rom binary's (it's an
AMI bios), but, this board stubbornly refuses to recognise the XP2600, and
shows XP1800 which was what was on it. Also in the CPU settings in bios -
in the multiplier setting there's a funny symbol and a number stuck beside
each other. I've had an extended character (that was used to draw double
line boxes in DOS), right next to a 4, and similar right next to an eight
etc. Really disappointing was the 020809.rom (from the PC Chips site)
which said that this bios tweak was to get the board to recognise xp2400 and
xp2600 cpu's
....any ideas anyone ? ...and if there was someone out there with an old
A30LR / M830LR / K7S5A motherboard with a Socket A XP2600 Barton cpu on it,
and which is correctly recognised in bios, and could email me the bios, of
course that would be heaven
best regards, TIA
motherboard to recognise a Socket A XP2600 (Barton) cpu, ....at least I'm
sure it is a PC Chips - it has Eagletech A30LR on the motherboard booklet, a
little white sticker on the motherboard saying v3.1 (not 3.1b), and after
lots of hunting around the web I'm convinced that it was also sold as an ECS
K7S5A and as PC Chips M830LR, and several other makes I noticed along the
way. I've reflashed it several times with hopeful *.rom binary's (it's an
AMI bios), but, this board stubbornly refuses to recognise the XP2600, and
shows XP1800 which was what was on it. Also in the CPU settings in bios -
in the multiplier setting there's a funny symbol and a number stuck beside
each other. I've had an extended character (that was used to draw double
line boxes in DOS), right next to a 4, and similar right next to an eight
etc. Really disappointing was the 020809.rom (from the PC Chips site)
which said that this bios tweak was to get the board to recognise xp2400 and
xp2600 cpu's
....any ideas anyone ? ...and if there was someone out there with an old
A30LR / M830LR / K7S5A motherboard with a Socket A XP2600 Barton cpu on it,
and which is correctly recognised in bios, and could email me the bios, of
course that would be heaven

best regards, TIA