
  • Thread starter Thread starter aalaan
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Someone (I think it was Agent C, though I could be mistaken) has poured
scorn on Outlook and when challenged referred to Luddites. I was just like
to say that the Luddites were a group of people in the UK frightened that
they would lose their simple way of life with the animals and plants, by the
advent of machines, so they sought to smash them up. This label can't really
be applied for those of us who love our OEs and challenged what appeared to
be an elitist view. No doubt there are drawbacks as there are with any
software (or anyTHING) come to mention it, but I for one am very happy with
my OE.

Having said that, maybe I'm maligning A_C as I have found a couple of his
posts recently very helpful. Perhaps it was someone else...
Fascinating treatise.
Might want to consider posting it to the correct group.
This newsgroup is for support of Outlook 97, 98, 2000, 2002 & 2003 from the
Office family for Intel PCs. For Outlook Express (OE) support try posting in
one of these newsgroups:
microsoft.public.inetexplorer.ie4.outlookexpress for OE 4.x for OE 5.x;en-us;newsgroups for OE 5.5x;en-us;newsgroups for OE 6.x;en-us;newsgroups
microsoft.public.internet.mail.mac for the Macintosh version of OE;en-us;newsgroups

If those groups aren't carried on the news server that's carrying this group
try using (MS's public news server that's the source
for all the microsoft.public newsgroups). The links under the newsgroup
references are for use with MS's web newsreader (not exactly the best way to
post but it works for some people)

Also a good source of Outlook Express info can be found here: