Terry Holland
I have a code builder that I use for writing my VB6 classes. I ran the Code
Advisor on the generated code & found that LSet is not supported in VB.Net
I use this in a number of places in my methods to store the state of my
class properties in a copy of a udt
Here is an example of how I use it in my CancelEdit function.
Public Sub CancelEdit()
If m_booIsChild Then If Not m_booIsChildEditing Then Err.Raise 445
If Not m_booIsEditing Then Err.Raise 445
m_booIsEditing = False
m_booIsDeleted = False
m_booIsDirty = False
'Restore object state
LSet m_udtProps = m_udtSave
RaiseEvent NowClean
End Sub
m_udtProps is a udt that contains all my class properties
m_ustSave is a copy of this (got by using LSet m_udtSave = m_udtProps).
If I cancel my edit before saving, I can use the LSet function to reset my
m_udtProps to its original state before any edits were carried out.
Any ideas on how to easily convert this sort of code would be appreciated.
Terry Holland
Advisor on the generated code & found that LSet is not supported in VB.Net
I use this in a number of places in my methods to store the state of my
class properties in a copy of a udt
Here is an example of how I use it in my CancelEdit function.
Public Sub CancelEdit()
If m_booIsChild Then If Not m_booIsChildEditing Then Err.Raise 445
If Not m_booIsEditing Then Err.Raise 445
m_booIsEditing = False
m_booIsDeleted = False
m_booIsDirty = False
'Restore object state
LSet m_udtProps = m_udtSave
RaiseEvent NowClean
End Sub
m_udtProps is a udt that contains all my class properties
m_ustSave is a copy of this (got by using LSet m_udtSave = m_udtProps).
If I cancel my edit before saving, I can use the LSet function to reset my
m_udtProps to its original state before any edits were carried out.
Any ideas on how to easily convert this sort of code would be appreciated.
Terry Holland