Yesterday our Xp computers started acting up! Shutting down every so after
due to a lsass.exe error. We reckon it was Sasser but Nortons 8.1
corporate version did, (updated every 4 hrs automatically + we did a manual
update immediately) and it did not find a thing + it allowed sasser (we
think) to enter the system. Note the Symantec cleaners and also vet
sasser cleaner programs reported nothing either.
After updating the relevant security xp windows patches it all seems ok but
there was still no sign of any virus activity or reporting!
Anyone else had this sort of problem yesterday/ it seems weird that Nortons
found nothing or any of the sasser cleaner programs found nothing yet there
was a problem somewhere! Weird and worrying.
What's the consensus! a virus or a microsoft bug?
Thanks all MInsik.
Yesterday our Xp computers started acting up! Shutting down every so after
due to a lsass.exe error. We reckon it was Sasser but Nortons 8.1
corporate version did, (updated every 4 hrs automatically + we did a manual
update immediately) and it did not find a thing + it allowed sasser (we
think) to enter the system. Note the Symantec cleaners and also vet
sasser cleaner programs reported nothing either.
After updating the relevant security xp windows patches it all seems ok but
there was still no sign of any virus activity or reporting!
Anyone else had this sort of problem yesterday/ it seems weird that Nortons
found nothing or any of the sasser cleaner programs found nothing yet there
was a problem somewhere! Weird and worrying.
What's the consensus! a virus or a microsoft bug?
Thanks all MInsik.