lsass.exe is missing from the KB835721 installation



I've tried installing the microsoft security patch KB835721 a number of
times on my Window 2000 server. I'm getting an error "the file lsass.exe is
missing from the KB835721 installation. The file must be present for
KB835732 Setup to continue".

Anyone else having this problem???


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IBTerry [MSFT]

If you use the /X switch to extract the hot fix to a folder. Do you see
the LSASS.EXE in the extracted location? I am not sure if the error you
posted is talking about LSASS in the patch or LSASS on the machine. You
could try running the install from the extracted location as well using

Can you search the machine and locate the LSASS.EXE file on the hard drive?
Do you see it running as a process when you look via task manager? If not
you may have some malicious software on your machine. Some hacker tools
can hide processes like this.
If you cannot find the EXE or see the process running you should probably
rebuild the machine since it is a good indication you may have been hacked.
This is just a educated guess...I don't have enought information to
determine that at this time.

Thank you

IBTerry [MSFT]
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Thanks for the response. I don't see LSASS.EXE running as a service and it
is not found when a do a search so it appears that something malicious has

Do you know of any tools to solve this problem??? I'm also having the same
problem with my Anti-Virus software - the scan.dat file is missing on my
system and I can't copy it (continues to disappear).

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