On Mon, 9 Apr 2007 13:46:05 -0700, Amanda Wallace <Amanda
i need to lower my security settings for a certain forum i go into as some
parts are password protected. I could do this on xp but the lowest i can get
to is medium which just isnt enough - i have added the site to trusted sites
but it has made no difference - any ideas? x
Password protection doesn't required "lower security", and neither do
any of the web forums, blogs and comments that I've written to.
So the first question is: Why does this site need "low" security?
If there are any visible ads on the site, then you may end up giving
them "low security" too. If those ads are for...
- RAM doublers and memory defragmenters
- fake "security" or "tuneup" software
- casinos or porn or mortgages etc.
- emoticons
....then flee screaming
If you are COAB sure the site is not malicious or carrying malicious
stuff (banner ads or other "business partners") and hasn't been hacked
to drop exploit code on it, then put that site in "Trusted Zone".
I would not drop security for Internet Zone for one site, ANY site.
-- Risk Management is the clue that asks:
"Why do I keep open buckets of petrol next to all the
ashtrays in the lounge, when I don't even have a car?"