In Emails generated via SmtpClient, the names of the headers, e.g. to, from,
subject, all seem to be in lower case. Although the RFC says that header
names are case-insensitive, there are some spam filters that block mail with
lower case headers. Also google desktop appears to ignore headers that are
all lower case.
The vast majority of mail I have seen names their headers with an initial
upper case, e.g. To, From, Subject. Looking with Reflector, it seems that
these names are buried rather deep in private or internal methods.
Does anyone know a workaround?
subject, all seem to be in lower case. Although the RFC says that header
names are case-insensitive, there are some spam filters that block mail with
lower case headers. Also google desktop appears to ignore headers that are
all lower case.
The vast majority of mail I have seen names their headers with an initial
upper case, e.g. To, From, Subject. Looking with Reflector, it seems that
these names are buried rather deep in private or internal methods.
Does anyone know a workaround?