Looks like we posted at the same time.
On April 29, I installed IE8. Knew some folks in another fourm were having troubles with it, but I wanted to give it a try.
It seemed that my puter started running slow again.
Posted a topic. It was suggested that an RA be done because it could be something else besides IE8.
I know and completely trust this person, so an RA we did. She looked at several things including the processes and performance of the Task Master. Her opinion was that something(s) was running in the background. Diskeeper, Carbonite, and a backup service from Cox were the only 3 things I can remember. So, I put Diskeeper on manual and deleted Carbonite 'cause it's subscription was almost up.
Don't need help in the Device Manager, but did a right click on Control Panel,System. I have 2.00GB memory (ram). Looks like I did upgrade the memory from a 1014MB in the past. Have had puter since 07.
Does this info help?
Vista Home Premium
Spyware Blaster
WinPatrol Plus
2.00GB of RAM
32-bit Operating System