low memory on my driver

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i have low memory on my driver and when i defragment it it still says i still
have same memory. then i try disk clean up and sill says i have the same
memory. then i try and delete some files and still says i am on low memory
how do i get my memory bk i sould have 33.5 GB on 1 driver and 33.5 on the
other one and they r both low ??????????????

I assume you're referring to the hard drive and not to system RAM. Both of
you're hard drives are small, judging by the needs of today's requirements.
You need to look into upgrading to a larger hard drive. They don't cost much
these days. Check www.newegg.com for all the hard drivers. You likely
should consider at least a minimum of 80 GB, but larger is better.

If your system RAM is insufficient, consider upgrading that as well. You
should have a minimum of 1 GB, but 2 GB is better for Vista. To upgrade the
RAM, you must know the type of RAM that your motherboard supports. Don't
install any other type. Consult the documentation that came with your system
or contact the vendor of your computer for this information.
Free space on a hard drive is quite different than memory........memory is
the amount of RAM you have installed on your system as well as the size of
the pagefile on your HD.
If you would give us the exact error message and what program brings it up
we might be able to determine if you need more RAM or if you only need to
increase the size of your Pagefile.
i do have a 80GB hdd and it has a 512mb ddr2 but things i delete of my
computer and files it shows that my memory is still the same. their is two
hard drives c and d the one that i am using at the moment is the d drive
because the c drive is low aswell ???????
it says that i am low on memory thas it everything i do to try and get bk the
memory without loseing the programs that i have installed on my computer. i
have deleted all my music and documents all i have left is thing i need and
when ever i delete things it always says low memory ? ? ?
jay said:
i have low memory on my driver and when i defragment it it still says i still
have same memory. then i try disk clean up and sill says i have the same
memory. then i try and delete some files and still says i am on low memory
how do i get my memory bk i sould have 33.5 GB on 1 driver and 33.5 on the
other one and they r both low ??????????????

Did you empty the Recycle Bin?
You are not talking about memory. You are, indeed, referring to drive space.
They are two completely different animals.



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)

Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!
If you upgraded from Windows XP you likely are, in fact, low on drive space.
There is an awful lot of files still on your computer that are a hold over
from Windows XP.

A 40 gig drive partition is fine for a fresh install of Vista but may be too
small for an upgrade install. It all depends on what you had previously
installed in Windows XP.



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)

Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!
i only got my laptop 3 months ago with vista on with 80gb hard drive andv 512
mb ddr2 but it is split in to 2 drives c and d but i can only use the d
drive because the other one if full but want to get all memory bk but not
lose things i need ie new media player software and other important stuff.?

You just have tooooo much stuff on your hard drives. You can combine your
hard drives into one hard drive and gain a larger hard drive that way.
However, to do this, you likely need to remove everything you want to save,
from the non boot drive, to a CD or DVD, whatever you have. You can reload
it later.

To resize your present hard drive, you can use a Vista built-in utility, as


That site provides a good idea of how to go about this. If you need help,
find a friend with the knowledge to help you do this, or take the computer to
a shop. Otherwise, you can only solve this problem by getting a larger hard
drive. There is no magic pixel dust here.
Ok so its HD space..........I find it hard to fathom how one can fill up a
40gig HD in only 3 months........maybe you need to rethink your "safe
everything policy".You might need to be ruthless and decide which
programs/downloads you actually are using and turf the rest.If that 2nd
partition is full of music/video/picture files may we suggest a CD/DVD...??
Are you backing up to that partition........need to change that as well to a
CD/DVD..if HD goes down you will not have access.
What new Media Player Software??...did you uninstall the old??
Have you run Disk Cleaner??...Cleaned out IE Cache??....cleaned out the
Recycle bin??? Reduced the Restore Points to only the last one??......not
have System Restore on that D partition?? Checked the Vista backup options
for Incremental Overwrite not a full new backup each time or just turn the
damn thing off and create your own backups manually??
We can only suggest....only you know exactly what you are using and how much
of that you really need!!
FYI.........I have a notebook with 1 HD partitioned into 2..4 months old
came with XP...just updated to Vista with a ton of programs on both
partitions as well as saved movie/picture/music files and I only use aprox
20gig of space on each drive.