Low Level View of .Net FrameWork

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Hi Friends,

I am curious to know how actually .Net executes the requests. I mean both
web form and windows form. Actually i have gone thru all the theoritical
stuff but i want to actually see how .Net engine executes the requests coming
to it.
Any kind of resources are welcome.

Thanks Alot,
What kind of "requests" are you talking about ? Basically it uses the
underlying Win32 API....
Hi Patrice,

I am talking about ASP.NET requests, i mean how the process fo receiving the
request from IIS and returning the rendered html is carried out. In fact i
want to see what are all the components that takes part in the execution of
ASP.NET request.

Best Regards,
Thanks Patrice,

I will go thru tihs article and come back if i have any doubts related to
the execution process.

Once again thanks alot, further more any more links will be welcome.
Hi Kevin,

Thanks alot for such a huge bulk of knowledge, i need one more help as the
information that i got is too huge so it will be very kind of you if you can
tell me where to start with this.

Hi Amit,

You start by downloading, and then read the readme.htm file. :-D


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Ambiguity has a certain quality to it.