Loud Sound As Audio Fades

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In the movie that I'm making I use lots of audio/music clips (wav
files). In almost all cases I only use a portion of the music clip --
fading it in or out as the situation requires. On many of the clips
where I fade it out (before the actual clip ends) there is a loud
noise/squawk right at the very end, just after the fade. It sounds
terrible and readjusting the end of the clip makes no difference. It
doesn't happen of every clip but it does happen frequently.

Does anyone else have this same problem?

Is there a solution?

Thanks in advance.

Note: I'm playing my first MovieMaker project tomorrow (Saturday)
night for 150 people! The project is complete except for two loud
sqawks that I'd like to take out if I have the time.


I have had similar problems sometimes when fading audio
clips resulting in a loud blip at the end of the fade.
This problem seems to happen after multiple
trim/copy/trim iterations of an audio clip in the
timeline. Suggest delete the problem audio clip from
your timeline. Then go back to the original audio file
and bring it into your timeline again. Trim the clip as
needed, and apply the fade. This has worked for me.
Hope this helps. Good luck with your presentation!

Dave W