Below is a great link to a KB article on dns for an Active Directory domain,
how it is used, and how to configure it. From what you describe you want to
disable DHCP on your firewall device and use only your domain controller for
DHCP. The DHCP for the domain controller needs to be configured with a scope
that includes the default gateway [your firewall device probably], the
domain name, wins server if used, and dns servers which would be our domain
controller. Your domain controller needs to point only to itself as its
preferred dns server and wins server [if used]. Then you configure dns on
your domain controller to forward to your ISP dns servers for internet name
resolution. This way your domain controller can resolve your domain names
and internet names for all your domain computers.;en-us;291382
As far as a users email. Email for Outlook Express,etc is stored in the
users profile under documents and settings where there will be a folder
structure with the users name. Even if you remove a user from the operating
system his user profile remains unless you manually delete it. Emails are
stored in a strange place but look under user name folder/local
settings/identities/guid number/Microsoft/outlook express. The link below is
to a website that explains more on Outlook Express [if that is what as used]
and how to manage mail/news files. --- Steve