this afternoon I logged off a domain controller on the
parent domain. The account is Administrator.
I tried to log back on and I got 'The local policy of this
system does not permit you to log on interactively'
message. This is THE administrator account for the parent
domain. I have no idea what happened. Other accounts can
log on to the parent domain servers, including the admins
for the child domains and my personal account (enterprise
This is on every server in the domain. The administrator
for the parent domain gets the same message.
Help! How do I restore this, what could have possibly been
changed? I did nothing today except uninstall an eval
edition of SMS on one of the parent domain controllers.
parent domain. The account is Administrator.
I tried to log back on and I got 'The local policy of this
system does not permit you to log on interactively'
message. This is THE administrator account for the parent
domain. I have no idea what happened. Other accounts can
log on to the parent domain servers, including the admins
for the child domains and my personal account (enterprise
This is on every server in the domain. The administrator
for the parent domain gets the same message.
Help! How do I restore this, what could have possibly been
changed? I did nothing today except uninstall an eval
edition of SMS on one of the parent domain controllers.