Didn't work... my steps were...
<ALT F11>
IMMEDIATE window was already open
pasted "application.CommandBars("Cell").Reset" (without quotes)
no joy... rebooted Excel ... still no joy
I have right-click menu/functions in VBE. But not in the worksheet(s)
Googling, I found this. New Module, paste, run. This gives me the
right-click menu when I select rows. However, when I reboot Excel, I lose
the right-click menu again. How do I keep the right-click menu?
Sub Enable_All_Right_Click_Menus()
'This will enable all BuiltIn Command bars
Dim Cbar As CommandBar
For Each Cbar In Application.CommandBars
Cbar.Enabled = True
End Sub
For cmb = 1 To cmbs
If Application.CommandBars(cmb).BuiltIn = True And
Application.CommandBars(cmb).Enabled = False Then
Debug.Print Application.CommandBars(cmb).Name,
End If
Next cmb
End Sub
Will give you an overview of all commandbars names and enable status.
You can enable by