marq122 via HWKB.com
I lost my recycle bin a long time ago. I must had a bug. I didn't relly care
about it till now. I end up delete some piture that I needed. Is there anyway
to get them back. I don't have that much free space left on my hard drive so
I'm thinking there somewhere out there. I delete 10g and it didn't some me
more free space. I have download a few things from download.com and it hasn't
help me find it.
about it till now. I end up delete some piture that I needed. Is there anyway
to get them back. I don't have that much free space left on my hard drive so
I'm thinking there somewhere out there. I delete 10g and it didn't some me
more free space. I have download a few things from download.com and it hasn't
help me find it.