Want to recover deleted files using command prompt? Here are the steps to get your data back with the help of command prompt.
Recover your files using Command Prompt:
One of the most effective methods to recover deleted files from the external drive is through Command Prompt. Command Prompt executes commands to perform the assigned task. That said, there are some commands, which can recover your deleted files. They are as follows:
1. Recover files from your external drive
If you have accidentally deleted files from the storage drive such as hard drives, USB, flash sticks etc. Follow these commands in command prompt:
i. Press
Windows key + R and in the search box, type
ii. In the Command Prompt window, type
chkdsk ‘drive letter’ /f and hit
For example:
C : \ USERS\ PROGRAM FILES\ chkdsk D : /f
iii. Press
Y until the command lines start again
iv. Type the drive letter again and hit
Enter (The command line will go back to the start)
v. Now, type
[drive letter : \ >attrib –h –r –s /s /d *.*]. This command will recover all the files in the storage drive
(attrib -r -s drive:\<path>\<foldername>)
–r is Read-only attribute: Files are readable and cannot be changed
–s assigns ‘System’ attribute to the selected files
–h command assigns the ‘Hidden’ attribute to the selected files
‘/S’ implies to search the specified path including subfolders
‘/D’ command includes process folders