Lost Post re Temp Folders



Am I doing something wrong. This is not the first time
this has happened.
I did a post re 'temp folders' in XP GENERAL on 4th Aug 2005
and I cannot find it on doing a search.
I can find it however, if I search my name in XP General or bring
up my posting history.
I have also noticed that if I search temp, temp files, temp folder or other
I can get different results. None containing my post.
Also, why are postings not in date order???
'You can't educate pork'


Antioch said:
Am I doing something wrong. This is not the first time
this has happened.
I did a post re 'temp folders' in XP GENERAL on 4th Aug 2005
and I cannot find it on doing a search.
I can find it however, if I search my name in XP General or bring
up my posting history.
I have also noticed that if I search temp, temp files, temp folder or
other perms
I can get different results. None containing my post.
Also, why are postings not in date order???
'You can't educate pork'

You're having difficulties in posting because you are using the web
interface, which is terrible. Learn to use a newsreader. Here's
information on that.

Since you are using the web interface, you may not realize that this is
really a newsgroup. You will get far more out of this resource if you
learn to use a newsreader. There are many good newsreaders for Windows,
but you can use Outlook Express since you already have it. Here are
some links to information about newsgroups:

http://www.elephantboycomputers.com/page3.html#12-09-02 - a brief
explanation of newsgroups
- Set Up Newsreader


http://aumha.org/nntp.htm - list of MS newsgroups
microsoft.public.test.here - MS group to test if your newsreader is
working properly
http://www.mailmsg.com/SPAM_munging.htm - how to munge email address
http://www.blakjak.demon.co.uk/mul_crss.htm - multiposting vs.



Malke said:
You're having difficulties in posting because you are using the web
interface, which is terrible. Learn to use a newsreader. Here's
information on that.

Since you are using the web interface, you may not realize that this is
really a newsgroup. You will get far more out of this resource if you
learn to use a newsreader. There are many good newsreaders for Windows,
but you can use Outlook Express since you already have it. Here are
some links to information about newsgroups:

http://www.elephantboycomputers.com/page3.html#12-09-02 - a brief
explanation of newsgroups
- Set Up Newsreader


http://aumha.org/nntp.htm - list of MS newsgroups
microsoft.public.test.here - MS group to test if your newsreader is
working properly
http://www.mailmsg.com/SPAM_munging.htm - how to munge email address
http://www.blakjak.demon.co.uk/mul_crss.htm - multiposting vs.

Elephant Boy Computers
"Don't Panic!"
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User

Hello Malke
Once again I am indebted to you and your help.
But come on now - have a heart - its taken me six months to only partly get
the hang of doing this - I cut my teeth in the simmers world - but there
everything seems to be in order and more tidy.
So dont expect to see me in this 'newsreader' thing tomorrow. You have
given me lots of homework which I am sure will only create lots of stupid
questions from me - I know you wouldnt want that.
I will however monitor it, if I find it!!!!! but in the meantime its a case
of ....the devil you know......
See, I am learning already - I believe I avoided a top-post??????
What gets me though is when responders splice their replies/help/advice in
between the lines from the poster. Is this a bad habit?


Jone said:
It is, as is top posting, a matter of whatever you prefer.

Exactly. The whole top posting issue gets very heated (which I think is
silly). The rule of thumb is to always read the FAQ of any newsgroup or
at least lurk for a while and observe. There are newsgroups that don't
care about top posting (this one), and there are newsgroups where
regulars will rip you a new one if you top post. It is just the same as
if you were visiting a foreign country: the polite person will pay
attention to the customs of the land.
The reason for interspersing comments in a long post is for clarity and
to respond to certain points as if the two people were having a
conversation. It is not hard to set up a newsreader, and learning is
fun! ;-)



Thank you Malke and J.D.
This reply has been top posted for your convenience and ease to read.
It has not been done to offend or upset any person who has an objection to
such behaviour.
In a nutshell you are both saying;
Go with the flow, be polite and if you happen to do a piddle at the back of
the classroom, dont let anyone see you.
And I promise to try and get to grips with this newsreader system.
I still havnt seen my Temp Folders post - disappeared into that ethernet
'You can't educate pork' - still trying but what an effort.

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