Working two semesters on several exegesis papers. First document created in
Oct 2005. Copied bibliography from most recent doc each time started a new
paper for a starting point. Lots of saves and backup files. A couple of
weeks ago began new paper with most current biblio. Saved many times. Added
new content as recently as 3 days ago. Noticed yesterday the bibliography
(only) was missing from most recent document and its backup, and from the
last most recent document and its backup. Today I discovered the biblio also
is missing from the original document and its backup, and every intermediate
document. What could have happened?
Oct 2005. Copied bibliography from most recent doc each time started a new
paper for a starting point. Lots of saves and backup files. A couple of
weeks ago began new paper with most current biblio. Saved many times. Added
new content as recently as 3 days ago. Noticed yesterday the bibliography
(only) was missing from most recent document and its backup, and from the
last most recent document and its backup. Today I discovered the biblio also
is missing from the original document and its backup, and every intermediate
document. What could have happened?