I am overseas and i hired an IT person to romove some redundant data
(duplicate data files) from my hard drive to fee up space. He seemed careful
enough when disposing of any file, making sure to check with me. The bottom
line is, I have no contacts in my contact folder, nor my 30 sub-folders in my
inbox and no notes. I have all contacts on my blackberry plus notes. I have
searched and located all .pst files and placed them back on my outlook
folder, which now seems to reside in my C drive as a stand alone folder
utlook). Before Outlook was located in a different location.
Placing all .pst files back into the outlook folder does not restore my
sub-folders or contacts. I am afraid to sync with the BB because I dont want
Outlook to mess up my BB contacts. (I have 3000 contacts). When I do a
search, i see all of the .pst files. Some seem duplicative because they have
the same name and kb. What can I do to get back a useful outlook? thanks
(duplicate data files) from my hard drive to fee up space. He seemed careful
enough when disposing of any file, making sure to check with me. The bottom
line is, I have no contacts in my contact folder, nor my 30 sub-folders in my
inbox and no notes. I have all contacts on my blackberry plus notes. I have
searched and located all .pst files and placed them back on my outlook
folder, which now seems to reside in my C drive as a stand alone folder

Placing all .pst files back into the outlook folder does not restore my
sub-folders or contacts. I am afraid to sync with the BB because I dont want
Outlook to mess up my BB contacts. (I have 3000 contacts). When I do a
search, i see all of the .pst files. Some seem duplicative because they have
the same name and kb. What can I do to get back a useful outlook? thanks