lost ntsb filing sys

  • Thread starter Thread starter Reenie
  • Start date Start date


I can t open my slave hard drive . i get a message that
says the filing system is not recognizable,and norton sys
works says that a disk utility has locked the drive .scan
disk says that there are truncated files and errors on
the disk but won t fix them .
Is there any way to fix the truncated files so i can
access my music please
Id scandisk tells you anything at all then the drive must
at least be recoginized at boot. First, don't run
scandisk on or any other repair utility until you try and
copy as much of the data as you can off it. Often times a
Drive that won't mount in windows can be accessed in part
is a dos window, if you can see it up in a dos window then
try an xcopy with appropriate switches that will allow it
to skip damaged files.