Lost "My Documents" Folder after aborted Defrag



Hello all I wonder if you can help,

I had my computer running a Defrag which was stopped by my son who wanted to
use the computer before I could stop him. All seemed fine, but when I started
the computer the next day, all the contents of the 'My Documents' folder
except the 'Start Menu' folder had dissappeared, including My pictures, my
music etc. Thankfully I had backed up all my important documents, but
annoyingly all my music and pictures are gone.

Searching in Explore brought up no results for the missing files (including
in Hidden folders). I used Windows restore to revert to a previous version
(of about a week before), but the files have not reappeared. I do not have
Norton Go Back installed sadly.

I wondered if this was in any way reversible and if the missing fiels could
be retrieved or are they lost?

Thanks in advance


Gerry Cornell

At what level did you Search in Windows Explorer. Was it at My Computer

Have you checked the Recycle Bin?

System Restore points do not include data files! It only covers the
operating system!


Hope this helps.


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