I've been given an old PIII 900MHz PC with W98.
I recently noticed the mouse would ocassionally freeze, but now, when
it boots up I get no mouse control at all and the GUI prompt "Windows
did not detect a mouse attached to the computer. You can safely attach
a serial mouse now". There is no keyboard control either to close this
meassage. It's almost like the PS2 ports don't work.
I plugged the mouse and keyboard into the PC's USB ports and the
keyboard functioned enough to allow me access to the CMOS. I cleared
the BIOS (removed the battery) and also returned the CMOS to the
default settings, but still there is no mouse or keyboard control via
the PS2 ports or USB ports (other than access to the CMOS).
I would appreciate any advice on what to try next. It's not the HDD
as I swapped in another HDD operating system and the same error comes
I recently noticed the mouse would ocassionally freeze, but now, when
it boots up I get no mouse control at all and the GUI prompt "Windows
did not detect a mouse attached to the computer. You can safely attach
a serial mouse now". There is no keyboard control either to close this
meassage. It's almost like the PS2 ports don't work.
I plugged the mouse and keyboard into the PC's USB ports and the
keyboard functioned enough to allow me access to the CMOS. I cleared
the BIOS (removed the battery) and also returned the CMOS to the
default settings, but still there is no mouse or keyboard control via
the PS2 ports or USB ports (other than access to the CMOS).
I would appreciate any advice on what to try next. It's not the HDD
as I swapped in another HDD operating system and the same error comes