lost me pc

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hi helppppppppp
two weeks ago my pc would not start up, the fans worked ok but windows didnt
and couldnt even use me mouse or keyboard, so i had a friend who looked at
it, and it started up no problem for him and he said it was working, he also
added some more ram to give it more power 2 gig making it 2.5 gig, over the
next two weeks it wasa working great then wap it has stopped work again same
as rthe first time, i have left it a couple of days but still nothing, CAN
JOHN said:
hi helppppppppp
two weeks ago my pc would not start up, the fans worked ok but windows
and couldnt even use me mouse or keyboard, so i had a friend who looked at
it, and it started up no problem for him and he said it was working, he
added some more ram to give it more power 2 gig making it 2.5 gig, over
next two weeks it wasa working great then wap it has stopped work again
as rthe first time, i have left it a couple of days but still nothing, CAN

How/where exactly does it fail now? Do the fans start? Can you see the
BIOS screen, the XP logo? Sounds like this is a hardware problem.

Hardware troubleshooting
JOHN said:
hi helppppppppp
two weeks ago my pc would not start up, the fans worked ok but windows didnt
and couldnt even use me mouse or keyboard, so i had a friend who looked at
it, and it started up no problem for him and he said it was working, he also
added some more ram to give it more power 2 gig making it 2.5 gig, over the
next two weeks it wasa working great then wap it has stopped work again same
as rthe first time, i have left it a couple of days but still nothing, CAN

Your description "it wasa working great then wap it has
stopped work again" sounds cute it but it tells us nothing
at all about the possible cause of your PC's problem.
You need to provide full details about what you see on
the screen and how far the boot process goes.

You don't give enough info

It could be a number of things like over heating for example.

Do you get any error messages before it dies?
How long was the machine on before is went down?
You say 'The Fans' worked ok, but are you talking about case fans, power
supply or processor?

Is the memory compatible with your motherboard? Some motherboards only
support certain makes of RAM

Are you using onboard graphics, PCI, AGP, PCI Express?

Is it a sloppy Microsoft coder not destroying a pointer in C++ which then
may point to OS memory causing it to crash?

What USB devices (if any) are plugged in?

You see? Many questions need to be answered before someone can diagnose your

Need more info,
sorry if i didnt give you enough info
the fans start up bios/xp logo dont
my usb sockets dont work
thats the reason my mouse/keyboard dont start up
many thanks
If the BIOS messages don't come up then you have
a hardware problem. Probably best to take your
machine to your computer dealer.
I had a problem similar to this that turned out to be blown caps on the
motherboard. It would work sometimes, but not others until too many caps
were blown and then it would not work at all.