Kathy said:
A friend of mine has windows XP on her computer. Her main screen has no
icons she can't get anywhere. She isn't able to get on-line. She will
restart her computer and the icons will be there, but, when it gets loaded
they disappear. Can you help?
The First Question Of Troubleshooting: If the problem is new, what changed
between the time things worked and the time they didn't?
The Second Question of Windows Troubleshooting: what is the malware/virus
status of the machine? If you think it is clean, what programs (and
versions) did you use to determine this?
Be sure the computer is clean:
Have your friend answer the Second Question first. If she can't do the work
herself (and there is no shame in admitting this isn't your cup of tea),
your friend should take the machine to a professional computer repair shop
(not your local equivalent of BigComputerStore/GeekSquad). If possible, she
should have all her data backed up first. Data can be retrieved from
outside of Windows if necessary.