Lost General Tab



Somehow, I have lost my General Tab in the Tools[Internet
options] form.

Can anybody help me retrieve it back?


Mr. Gordon Burgess-Parker,

I have taken note that you have supplied answers to this query several times
in this NG; that is most generous of you. But if I may be so bold, as many
are using the MS-CDO web page reader, this seems to indicate to me that they
have not the same "frequent flyer miles" that you have at these NG's. Many
may be complete novices on all levels; their lack of expertise and
experience are to be "forgiven" in my view. With time they too will have
miles, ability, and may even go on to help others. Please try to place
yourself in their position; surely you once started at the beginning too?

If on the other hand you are simply fatigued at the "lack of search effort"
on their end, or the fact that the question has been asked and answered
myriad times, you are not chained to the NG, and are in no way obligated to
answer the question. My advice (take it or leave it) for your own well-being
would be to ignore the question either by simply doing so, or "blocking and
ignoring" it. Perhaps applying your abilities to the more difficult entries
submitted here. Maybe even take a break yourself altogether, by going
fishing, reading a book, watching birds, inventing something, or whatever
may be more worthy of your time. I am simply suggesting to give these poor
individuals a break.

(e-mail address removed)
Gordon Burgess-Parker said:
I'm not going to say anything!

chris said:
Somehow, I have lost my General Tab in the Tools[Internet
options] form.

Can anybody help me retrieve it back?

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