Lost files from Outlook Express


Bernard Lamote

This week I got a new Windows XP Prof program (OEM
version). I installed it over my old existing Windows 98
program. Everything seemed to be working fine EXCEPT ALL
address book, etc ...).

Is there any way to retrieve this information?


Andrew Hodes

I have heard of cases where upgrades from IE 4 to IE 6 go bad and the
inboxes not convert correctly from mbx to dbx. Basically, do a search for
*.mbx and you should be able to find the old mbx files, and at the very
least open them in notepad and retrieve the lost messages. I believe there
are tools that can convert these mbx files to dbx, you can probably find
some on google.


YES. Do a search for the File name INBOX. For Windows XP the Outlook Express email files are located I
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities\{0C96663A-DE66-4A15-BF9F-D990FD4FCE75}\Microsoft\Outlook Expres

That folder up above that is connected to the IDENTIES folder is different for everyon
the folder name "\{0C96663A-DE66-4A15-BF9F-D990FD4FCE75}\" is the folder name that is on my computer ut everytime you reinstall windows xp NEW the folder name will change
So on your computer with your Windows XP all of the other folders are exactaly the same
but on your system when you installed windows xp that one folder will be a differet set of number and letters with "{ }" being the first and the last character of the folder name. Oh I forgot I have Windows XP pro so I am able to log on as the ADMINISTRATOR and I use the nmae ADMINISTRATOR for my account. Windows XP Home Edition does not alow you to log on to Windows using the Administrator account. So That Folder Name MIGHT also be a different name if you are using Windows XP Home Edition. The folder name will be the name that you log on to windows XP Home Edition.

For example if you log on to your computer as "BERNARD LAMOTE", the folder name on your computer will be "C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\ERNARD LAMOTE

I have not had Windows 98 on my computer for a long time. So I dont remember exactly where Outlook Express stored its Email files under windows 98. My suggestion to you it to use Windows XP Search Engine and search for the Outlook express file names. I suggest that you search for the word INBOX. In Windows xp the email files for the INBOX have the File Extention .DBX "INBOX.DBX" I am hoping the Windows 98 also used the same file name for its files. So you should also search for the just the File Extention names ".DBX" and the Search should find all files with the .DBX ending. Then when the search engine is finished finding all of thoses files It should show th
INBOX.DBX & OUTBOX.DBX and the others for Windows XP in the locations that I told you about above. The Windows 98 .DBX file may be located off of the Program Files folder somewhere

If Both TWO INBOX.DBX files show up in the search engine list then you are lucky and it means that the search engin has found the new outlook express Files under Windows XP and your old files under Windows 98. If the search engine only finds ONE INBOX.DBX file and ONE OUTBOX.DBX file then most likely you have lost your Old Email files from Windows 98

When you set up your new Windows Outlook Express accounts there is a option available to you under the ACCOUNTS TAP to have OUTLOOK EXPRESS leave a copy of all of you emails on the server/ IP account on the server that you connect to.. It will let you leave a copy of all your emails on the server for up to 100 days. I use this. So if I ever have to install my Windows XP Pro, BRAN NEW, then I will have a copy of all my emails that are 100 days old, on My COX CABLE Internet. My provider is COX Cable.

IF you find your old Email files youy cant just copy them to the new directory. You have to Import them into the new Outlook express. Under the FILES Tap on your Outlook Express it you will find the Option to Import other email into your new outlook expess

OK Now if your WINDOWS XP PRO INSTALLATION ever has problems and you need to repair your XP PRO Instlattion, then you can reinstall the windows XP, using the repair option. You will need to boot up to a DOS disk that boots up with the CDROM drivers so you can have access to your cdrom drive under just Plain DOS. Once you have access to your cdrom drive Under DOS you need to change to your CDROM drive, for example I have 4 hard drives and My cdrom drive is my G: drive. So At the DOS prompt I type in G
and after I have changed to the G: drive you need to change to the G:\I386 folder
and then you type in the command. "WINNT.EXE" or you can stay on your harddrive and type G:\I386\WINNT.exe this program will let you re-install your windows XP with the REPAIR option. There will be a few question for you to answer before you get to the option that lets REPAIR, your WINDOWS XP option.

If you ever do a NEW INSTALLATION of you WINDOWS XP PRO you need to RENAME THE
"C:\Documents and Settings" folder ecause if you do a new installation without renaming that folder the New Windows XP Pro instlation with creat all NEW folder Names off of the Documents and Settings folder. and you will end up with a whole lot more user acctoun names in the Documents & Settings foolder. Over time if you Install Windows XP Pro NEW INSTALL alot then you will end up with a whole lots of OLD user acctounts that you wont be able to use.

There is a REALLY GREAT TWEAKING program that you should download Called "X_SETUP"
You should go to the "WWW.XTEQ.COM" web site and download a new copy of X-Setup. It has Hundreds & hundreds of tweaking setting that you can change. And there are NO adds.
Also a good thing to do is for you to go into the OPTIONS of Your "Internet Explorer"
and on the first TAB the "GENERAL OPTIONS" TAB you should change the Folder where your Internet Explorer Saves all of its TEMPORARY internet files. I always change my TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES FOLDER To the RECYCLED BIN, When WINDOWS XP is Installed it has the TEMORARY Folder somewhere off in the DOCUJMANETS & Settings folder under your account name. It is possible for anyone to forget about the Temporary Internet Files that will build up on your hard drive. You can delete the Temp Internet Files using the Internet Explorer Options TAB but it is easy to forget about.

One more thing if you want to be able to oot up using the Administrator account. Normally the Administrator Account is not displayed after a New XP Instlation. So what I do is RIGHT AFTER I install Windows XP. The very last boot screen after Windows XP is Installed NEW , It will displayed the Screen that lets you type in the user names. First it asks you how your computer will connect to the internet and then it wi;ll ask you if you want to register and Activate your New Install of Windows XP Pro. Then it will give you a screen with fve places for you to type in the User Names that you want to uses your computer. DONT ENTER ANY NAME. JUST REOOT YOUR COMPUTER AT THAT TIME.

If you do a COLD REBOOT by Turning your compuiter OFF and then Back on before you type in any names when Your Computer reboots the first time it will automatically bott up to the Administrator Account. and If you want to have more users on your you can add them through the USER account Manager program that is in the Control Panel. Other wise if you type in names at the first screen the Administrator account will not show up on the Accounts Screen. If you have already entered names the way you can get into the Administrator Account is when Windows XP Pro boots up to the screen where all the user names are listed you have to press CONTROL-ALT-DELETE at the same time 2 times, and a LOG In window pops up and there you can type in the Name "Administrator"

and then you will be loged on to your computer as the administrator.

Please Email me back if you have any problems or questions.. I know a whole lot of differtent things that can make your windows XP work better

----- Bernard Lamote wrote: -----

This week I got a new Windows XP Prof prooram (OEM
version). I installed it over my old existing Windows 98
program. Everything seemed to be working fine EXCEPT ALL
address book, etc ...).

Is there any way to retrieve this information?



I forget to give you my email.

(e-mail address removed)
(e-mail address removed)

Oh I found out the the file names under windows 98 might have a different name

INBOX.MBX do a search for those file name

----- Bernard Lamote wrote: ----

This week I got a new Windows XP Prof program (OEM
version). I installed it over my old existing Windows 98
program. Everything seemed to be working fine EXCEPT ALL
address book, etc ...)

Is there any way to retrieve this information


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