Lost Display

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Whilke trying to resolve a driver problem, I have lost my video display
completely... I have tried startup insafe mode (it hangs), tried to pick a
restor point (it said did not resotre due to catistrophic failure),and even
tried to reload vista (said it would erase everything on my disk).... anyone
have any suggestions?

Hmm, it should default to MS VGA drivers.
You can try to turn off PC power (unplug), disconnect monitor from card,
take the graphics card out of its port (AGP or PCI); insert it back, connect
monitor, restart - might work if RC1 detects a "new" card and defaults to
VGA to search for "new hardware." If you have another video card around, try
that. If you have onboard graphics and a graphics slot, install a card
Otherwise, boot from some CD OS; RC1 has tools to recover files/ system -
run chkdsk, or use Knoppix etc. Save whatever you need to save and repair or
reinstall RC1.
