Lost Contacts After Corrupted Windows User



My main Windows user became corrupted and I had to create a new user and
reconfigure a lot of things in Windows. I use Outlook Express for email and
Outlook for contacts. I was able to reconfigure everything, but I cannot get
access to my contacts list.

Can anyone explain how I can recover my contacts (which I assume are still
there somewhere) in Outlook.


Brian Tillman

masouder said:
My main Windows user became corrupted and I had to create a new user
and reconfigure a lot of things in Windows. I use Outlook Express
for email and Outlook for contacts. I was able to reconfigure
everything, but I cannot get access to my contacts list.

Can anyone explain how I can recover my contacts (which I assume are
still there somewhere) in Outlook.

They are most likely in the other Windows user profile in the (hidden)
folder C:\Documents and Settings\olduser\Local Settings\Application
Data\Microsoft\Outlook\something.PST, where "olduser" is your previous
username and "something" is whatever you named the file when you created it.
If that folder is gone, then you've deleted your old data.

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