Lost connection..?


Kent J

Hi all,

I have a server that sometimes loses connetion with the network without
apperent reason.
Last time the server lost connection there were no activity on the
server and after a restart connection where up and running again.
After a few weeks the problem comes back.

Can it something wrong with the network card?

Kent J.

Pegasus \(MVP\)

Kent J said:
Hi all,

I have a server that sometimes loses connetion with the network without
apperent reason.
Last time the server lost connection there were no activity on the server
and after a restart connection where up and running again.
After a few weeks the problem comes back.

Can it something wrong with the network card?

Kent J.

I would start by looking at the Event Viewer.

Kent J

Pegasus (MVP) skrev:
I would start by looking at the Event Viewer.


This is what I have:
The Security System detected an authentication error for the server
DNS/dns1.MyDNS.se. The failure code from authentication protocol Kerberos
was "There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon

The system failed to register host (A) resource records (RRs) for
network adapter

with settings:
Adapter Name : {DDCD65F0-1AA7-4019-BBD2-F65CC8A7DA49}
Host Name : MyServer
Primary Domain Suffix : MyDns.se
DNS server list :
Sent update to server : <?>
IP Address(es) :
... and after a restart everything works fine.

Kent J.

Pegasus \(MVP\)

Kent J said:
Pegasus (MVP) skrev:


This is what I have:
The Security System detected an authentication error for the server
DNS/dns1.MyDNS.se. The failure code from authentication protocol Kerberos
was "There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon

The system failed to register host (A) resource records (RRs) for network

with settings:
Adapter Name : {DDCD65F0-1AA7-4019-BBD2-F65CC8A7DA49}
Host Name : MyServer
Primary Domain Suffix : MyDns.se
DNS server list :
Sent update to server : <?>
IP Address(es) :
.. and after a restart everything works fine.

Kent J.

I suspect you have a dud network adapter, as you already suggested
at the beginning. Try a different adapter.

Kent J

Pegasus (MVP) skrev:
I suspect you have a dud network adapter, as you already suggested
at the beginning. Try a different adapter.

Well, I thought that first.
But: "The Security System detected an authentication error for
DNS/dns1.MyDNS.se....There are currently no logon servers available"
....doesn't that tell the problem is outside MyServer?

Kent J.

Pegasus \(MVP\)

Kent J said:
Pegasus (MVP) skrev:

Well, I thought that first.
But: "The Security System detected an authentication error for
DNS/dns1.MyDNS.se....There are currently no logon servers available"
...doesn't that tell the problem is outside MyServer?

Kent J.

Don't know. If this was my machine then I would check Google
to see what exactly causes this message to appear. I suspect
the message is the ***result*** of a network failure, not its cause.

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