Lost all of my files by starting a new user Administrator account



Hi, I just got XP about a month ago and just recently I tried to go and
change my Administrator User Account because everytime the log on screen
would pop up, I would recieve notice of someone else's emails rather than my
own. So I figured that by changing my Administrator user account, this would
fix the problem but ti didn't. I lost all of my pictures and downloaded music
on my computer because when I added a new Administator account the old one
was automatically deleted. Is there any way I can get it back or somehow get
my files back onto this new acount. Thanks for your time. I look forward to
hearing a response.


alc987 said:
Hi, I just got XP about a month ago and just recently I tried to go
and change my Administrator User Account because everytime the log on
screen would pop up, I would recieve notice of someone else's emails
rather than my own. So I figured that by changing my Administrator
user account, this would fix the problem but ti didn't. I lost all of
my pictures and downloaded music on my computer because when I added
a new Administator account the old one was automatically deleted. Is
there any way I can get it back or somehow get my files back onto
this new acount. Thanks for your time. I look forward to hearing a

It's not deleted it's just hidden. It is, BTW, very BAD practice to use the
built-in Administrator account for day to day use. Not only does it give a
potential hacker access to your WHOLE system, but if it gets corrupted, then
your only way into the machine is by a repair install of XP.

As you have created a new account, use that for day to day use, and look in
Help and Support on how to take ownership of files and folders. Your files
have not dissappeared (unless yoi did something you haven't told us about!)
but are lurking under the old account's profile.


alc987 said:
Hi, I just got XP about a month ago and just recently I tried to go and
change my Administrator User Account because everytime the log on screen
would pop up, I would recieve notice of someone else's emails rather than my
own. So I figured that by changing my Administrator user account, this would
fix the problem but ti didn't. I lost all of my pictures and downloaded music
on my computer because when I added a new Administator account the old one
was automatically deleted. Is there any way I can get it back or somehow get
my files back onto this new acount. Thanks for your time. I look forward to
hearing a response.

When you create a new user account the onld one and it's associated
files aren't deleted. You have to specifically delete the account for
it to be gone. As Gordon says sounds like you were using the in built
administrator account which should not be used for everyday purposes.
When creating the new account you should copy the data from the old
account to the new. Here is an article on how to do that. Scroll
through the page to find the info on copying a user profile.

How to Copy a User Profile

The built in administrator account can be accessed, it's just hidden.
If you have XP Pro at the welcome or login screen do ctrl-alt-del twice
to bring in the login window, type in administrator and the password.
For XP Home you'll need to boot up in safe mode to see the administrator
account on the welcome screen.

For the email problem your post is not quite clear. Do you mean that
the welcome screen showed unread emails even when there weren't any?
That is a common issue and has nothing to do with seeing someone else's
email. Here is an article on how to fix that issue.

Overview of the Mail Notification Display on the Windows XP Welcome Screen

Change the value for the UnreadMail key to 0. If you don't feel
comfortable in editing the registry download tweakui, one of the MS
powertools, from here:

Run it and check the options. There will be one for unread mail count.

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