Lost Admin Password



Okay, I am trying to do the repair off the system cd-rom that comes with the
computer, because Windows is messed up right now, and my System Restores
don't go back far enough. When it asks me which instalation I would like to
repair, then it asks for the administrater's password. Well, it has been a
long time since I installed Windows, and I can't remember it. Is there any
place at all in my computer where I can find it, or reset it? If so, email me
at (e-mail address removed) Thank you all.


That method would work fine and dandy if it were the Windows passwords to
reset, but I need to reset the system password. I am on the machine right now
that I am trying to fix, but I cannot run the repair utility off of the cd
unless I have the system password, and I have tried everything I figure I
would have made the password. Thnk you though. Email me if anyone finds a
solution. (e-mail address removed)


Avanindra said:
That method would work fine and dandy if it were the Windows passwords to
reset, but I need to reset the system password.

Do you mean the BIOS password?

Shenan Stanley

Avanindra said:
Okay, I am trying to do the repair off the system cd-rom that comes
with the computer, because Windows is messed up right now, and
my System Restores don't go back far enough. When it asks me
which installation I would like to repair, then it asks for the
administrater's password. Well, it has been a long time since I
installed Windows, and I can't remember it. Is there any place
at all in my computer where I can find it, or reset it?

Jupiter said:
That method would work fine and dandy if it were the Windows
passwords to reset, but I need to reset the system password. I am on
the machine right now that I am trying to fix, but I cannot run the
repair utility off of the cd unless I have the system password, and I
have tried everything I figure I would have made the password. Thnk
you though.

If this is Windows XP (as it seems to be) then the "Administrators" password
*is* a Windows password.
You likely do not log into the machine as the administrator (definitely do
not if you are using Windows XP Home edition) - but there is a user named
"administrator" on your PC unless you have renamed it to something else
(highly unlikely.) Your easiest option:

Change the Administrator user's password in Windows. Try the:

Start --> Run
control userpasswords2

method and highligh the "Administrator" user and click on the "reset
password" button and reset the password there. Then try your repair
install. I am unsure if it will be that easy if you have Windows XP Home
edition - some of this may concern having to boot into Safe mode.

If worse comes to worse, you can indeed "hack" the administrators password
using one of the many methods of doing so on the Internet.

Hack your password:

Another Password Hack:

What it sounds like to me is that you are trying to use the recovery console
and it is asking you for the original administrator password you set when
you first installed the computer. One of the methods above should get you
beyond that point.

However, if as others suggest in this thread - you are speaking of your
computer BIOS (hardware) password - then you will have to refer to your
computers user manual on how to reset that.


Avanindra said:
Okay, I am trying to do the repair off the system cd-rom that comes with the
computer, because Windows is messed up right now, and my System Restores
don't go back far enough. When it asks me which instalation I would like to
repair, then it asks for the administrater's password. Well, it has been a
long time since I installed Windows, and I can't remember it. Is there any
place at all in my computer where I can find it, or reset it? If so, email me
at (e-mail address removed) Thank you all.

From: http://www.michaelstevenstech.com/xpfaq.html#30
Item #21

Fix For Correct Password Not Accepted Bug
1. Install Recovery Console.
To do so, open a command box in Win XP:
(select Start | Run, then type cmd); then, at the command prompt,
type D:\i386\winnt32.exe/cmdcons (replace D: with the letter for your CD
The installation will proceed, after which you can choose the Recovery Console
from the Windows boot screen.

(The Bug)

There is a bug in WinXP which prevents you from using Recovery Console
even though the right password is typed when prompted....
So, here's the trick.
2. Enable Administrator to Log On Automatically in Recovery Console
3. Reboot into WinXP.
4. Select Start | Run, then type regedit Go to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Setup
\RecoveryConsole Change the SecurityLevel DWORD value data to 1.
5. Reboot the PC


Okay. Thank you everyone. I have gotten Windows running again normally, but
not before I found out about the bug that MAP said about. I reinstalled
Windows on the system, and now I have it running okay. But I have a new
problem. I cannot get into the files I had set as private in NTFS format with
my old user account. Is there any way to get them back? They are still there,
just I have no access to them.



Avanindra said:
Okay. Thank you everyone. I have gotten Windows running again
normally, but not before I found out about the bug that MAP said
about. I reinstalled Windows on the system, and now I have it running
okay. But I have a new problem. I cannot get into the files I had set
as private in NTFS format with my old user account. Is there any way
to get them back? They are still there, just I have no access to them.


Take ownership:

Take Ownership of a File or Folder in Windows XP [Q308421] -


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