Lost address bar



I have XP new install, never had this problem before.
When I do "start/run" c: . When It opens up I don't have
my address bar. I did "view/toolbar/addressbar" its
selected, but I don't have the bar anywhere. The only
thing I see is |Address| on the far right. Still no
address in full.

Sharon F

I have XP new install, never had this problem before.
When I do "start/run" c: . When It opens up I don't have
my address bar. I did "view/toolbar/addressbar" its
selected, but I don't have the bar anywhere. The only
thing I see is |Address| on the far right. Still no
address in full.

With that window that shows "Address" on the far right open, right click in
the toolbar area and uncheck "Lock the Toolbars." A dotted line should
appear to the right of the word Address.

Hover the mouse cursor over that line until you see a two way arrow appear.
Click and hold the primary mouse button to grab that line. Then move the
mouse (still holding that button) and drag the Address toolbar down a line.
The missing text box where the path displays should now show up.

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